Δευτέρα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Make money online -The Scams are finally revealed

Well I cannot stand it anymore. And it is time to do something about it. I work an 8:-16:00 day job and I am well in debt just like most of you reading this post. I try desperately to make more money as I cannot stand that my debt is 10 times my annual income. That means I need at least 30 years to pay it off.

So after hours and hours of browsing and googling I ended up that the online market is the place to be if you want more money. And I am stil sure that I am right on this. However, when you search the term "i want to be rich" or "make money fast" you are searching to give away your last cents.

Almost all, and I mean it, the guys that invite you to join now, accept the offer, grab the deal, give your email adress and then the will show you their secret money weapon are lying.
I have tried many many things that came to my inbox as fantastic bargains. I have spent many many money on ïnvesting" in guru recipes, and secret weapons of mass earning and the outcome? A big big zero.

And here is why. Ever wondered why someone that makes millions each month will give his secret out for 40$???? Is he out of his mind??? Is he just a good man??? Well maybe. But on the other hand with so mant good people there should be no conflict anywhere in the globe and there must be too many secret paths to get rich. The answer is that he tries to get rich by selling you something. And please please please NEVER NEVER give in and pay. Each single one of these so-called systems are just systems that sell themselves. I have set up one last week. Interesting staff I learned, i must admit. No money yet, but the silliest thing is that the system is searching people like me to buy it. Comission over comission. Pyramid. Period.

Another clue to convince you of the following. They all have the same landing page templates (they aren't more than 20), they all want your email so that they build a list and the continue promoting to you useless info products, and this is ridiculous they send you all the same email!!!! I received the same email with the same product 5 times in one day from 5 different desperate clickbank merchants.

No, no, no. This is not how to make money online. This is how others make money on you. To make real money, sellin something truly yours, to your own customers, takes hard work , time devoting, passion. There is no 50 bucls secret on it. If there were why should one reveal it? Is the cash somuch that he does not know what to do with it and wants to share? NO!
The only way to get rich onlie is to fight, take action. The good thing is that you do it yourself from your couch. But it is not easy and it is not a product you can buy.
Nice talking to you.

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